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Ongoing Research Study No.1


  DR. KHALID KHAN (Co-Supervisor, Centre Of Poultry & Parasitology, Veterinary Research Institute, Peshawar)

 ARSHEEMA KAZMI (M.Phil Scholar Bio-Chemistry, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, KPK, Pakistan)


Stem Cells are potent to self renew and differentiate into many specific cells. Stem cells proliferation and differentiation is of immense importance in modern time. Mesenchymal Stem cells (MSC) may have a protective effect in the process of liver injury repair and hepatocytes regeneration.

Liver is important vital organ having a pivotal role in metabolic process in animal body. Liver is made of hepatocytes cells and functions in diverse manner, like protein synthesis, detoxification, carbohydrate, lipid metabolism and bile production and regulation.

Hepatocytes have a potential of regeneration and frequent restoration in case of injuries and other hazardous effects of some metabolites, but when this potential of regeneration is inherently impaired it may cause huge loss and the only treatment is to transplant a liver.

 CCL4 (Carbon Tetra chloride) is a hepatotoxic chemical used in experimental model for induction of liver toxicity, fibrosis and cirrhosis. In the current  research experiment Albino mice are treated with CCL4 twice weekly for six weeks. The liver exhibited marked increase in extra cellular matrix content and displayed bundles of collagen surrounding the lobules leading to large fibrous septa, haracterized as advance fibrosis.

Zinc is an essential component of a large number of enzymes participating in the synthesis and degradation of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids as well as metabolism of other micro nutrients. Zinc plays vital role in hepatotoxicity protection produced due to various chemicals or biological factors. 

Hypothesis: It is hypothesized that administration of Zn in combination of Stem Cells will have high therapeutic and liver cells restorative potential against fibrotic liver.

 To test the hypothesis the following objectives are focused in study:

 1.     To investigate the individual hepato-protective effect of Zn and stem cells against CCL4 induced liver damages in albino mice.

2.     To determine the combined therapeutic potential of Zn and Stem Cells in  reduction of liver fiberosis in mice.


Procedure for results evaluation

1.     Observation of liver Morphology.

2.     Histo-Pathological changes/ studies of fibrotic and regenerated tissues in negative control, positive control, Zn treated, MSCs treated and Zn and Stem cell combined treated liver of albino mice

3.     Enzyme analysis of all groups (Biochemical Assays)

4.     Gene expression for apoptotic, anti apoptotic and liver markers determination for different expression of specific effects. 



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